Episode 147 – On the Phone with Ryan Cook of the Ace Frehley Band

Ryan Cook


This week we catch up with Ryan and he talk about playing the 1978 Ace Frehley solo album at the recent New Jersey Kiss Expo. He also talks a bit about the recent Kiss Kruise and what’s coming up with the Ace Frehley Band.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiPPmbNs5ek

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ages-of-rock-podcast/id1053552684

Libsyn Link: http://agesofrock.libsyn.com/episode-147-on-the-phone-with-ryan-cook-of-the-ace-frehley-band

Download the MP3: http://traffic.libsyn.com/agesofrock/Episode_147_-_On_the_Phone_with_Ryan_Cook_of_the_Ace_Frehley_Band.mp3

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